


LOOKBOOK.nu: collective fashion consciousness.LOOKBOOK.nu: collective fashion consciousness.
LOOKBOOK.nu: collective fashion consciousness. LOOKBOOK.nu: collective fashion consciousness.
I'm not about to start throwing out advertisements and things of that nature on my blog, or try to tell you what to do, but I really think everyone should check out lookbook.nu. Super cool website where you can post your own outfits. Even if you're not interested in posting your own photos, it's wicked for inspiration. And it's super straight forward and easy to learn, too. Just comment and let me know if you'd like and invite, I'd love to send one on to anyone who's interested.
(please leave your e-mail and be patient... I try to send out invites as often as possible!!)

Sorry guys, it seems they started to limit the amount of invites you can send out, and I suppose I've reached that limit. I will open this up again if this changes. My apologizes.



Anonymous said...

haha i have a lookbook! except my look that i just posted is put into a queue since im "new" if i had used my invite code when i got it(like a month+ ago)this wouldnt happen ahhhh

Anonymous said...

oh i'd love a code. i've been there a few times, didn't even know i needed an invitation to join. :D

Anonymous said...

i'd like to jjoin.
could i please have a invite?

Russless said...

You know you're sending me this, stat.

Shade said...

ooohh i would like one. hahaha. my e-mail is babyshade94@yahoo.com. dont ask. i made this in the third grade hah

Anonymous said...

hey i'd like to join!
send me an invite please? :]

thank you ^^

Anonymous said...

hiyaa! i love it! now if i could just get an invite... ;)
thank you!

Carla said...

i think this is kinda late haha but can i get an invite? :D aizecarla@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I may have already missed the boat (by a couple of months, it seems) but could you please send me an invite? mybrainhurts33@yahoo.com. thankyou!

Anonymous said...

hey there!

I´m a fashion lover too, I liked your blog because it has a nice simple vibe to it. nothing pretencious wich is hard to find :)

I´ll be comming back for more if that´s ok ;)

I´ll LOVE to be able to join lookbook since I check the new looks at least 5 times a day (ha!)

I hope you can send me an invite, I´ll heart you forever **


Thank you!

:Love & Light:

Anonymous said...

Hello you!!!
I looove your blog, i often watch it, almost everyday in fact...
I am writing to you to invite me on Lookbook.nu. It would be so great, i have lots of looks to post and i like see the new looks on it!
Thanks a lot =) =)

pauline (sasy19@hotmail.fr)

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Lithuania. I would appreciate if you could send me an invitation. Love ya :D


Anonymous said...

i think i might be a bit too late but could you maybe send me an invite code? - zombieblood_@hotmail.com.


Anonymous said...

Been looking at this site for ages, and their application process seems like a cruel joke.

I'd love to get and invite, I think i could definitely add a different and unique style and setting. It's be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.



Anonymous said...

umm if you could invite @ katherine.xu92@gmail.com that would be terrific??
if you want to make sure i'm not a really hideous and un-chic person u can see for yourself on chictopia.


Anonymous said...

If there´s any invitation left I would love you if you could send it to me! My mail is tericlionline@yahoo.com thank you!

Anonymous said...

Could you please send me an invite code? i'd really like to join lookbook. Thanks so much, my email is LLwinnayLL@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Aw I'd really appreciate an invite.


Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Nevermind, I just found a code.
Thank you anyway!

Anonymous said...

i would love to joinnn :)


Anonymous said...

pretty please I would so love the code
♥ thanks love!

Anonymous said...

hello! i've been head-over-heels in love with lookbook for some time now and i'd love to join! may i have an invite? my email is snapgrape@yahoo.com
thank you so very much! xx

Anonymous said...

Hai thar, I've been trying to get my hands on an invite for ages. it's so exclusive that website! lolol
I would adore it if you could me a code. my email is xsoulfirex@gmail.com

thank you!

mon-histoire said...

hi, can you send me an invitation to lookbook please..
thanks for your help

Anonymous said...

i would absolutelely LOVE an invite.
i've been searching for one for ages,

Anonymous said...

I would love an invite :)

Anonymous said...

Ha, I see you've been bombarded with requests with an invite code.
Yeah, I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon.
Would be much appreciated.

jonathan said...

heeey i was looking everywhere for someoen who has lookbook. id love to join. can i get an invite? pretty please? :)

jonathan said...

lol i forgot to leave my email:

Anonymous said...

hey, i'd love an invite code :)



Victor K. said...

i'm crazy too for an invite code.
please haha.

Anonymous said...

I would love an invite code :)

Anonymous said...

HI! I'M Hollie at fuzzybear531@msn.com

I'd be really happy if you could send me an invite :)

Anonymous said...

heyyy would really appreciate code!!


Anonymous said...

please please send me an invitation!!

Anonymous said...

hey, can you send me an invite to lookbook? thanks. its panoramaview @ yahoo (dot) com.

Anonymous said...

hi, can i ask for an invitation code too please... i want to be a member on lookbook too.


Friend Of A Squid said...
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Friend Of A Squid said...

me wants an invite too pretty pretty please

i've already asked santa but i can't wait anymore :)

ngmile @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hey i'm interested! <3 Can I get an invite too? :> whitegreyskies@gmail.com

Beth said...

I am absolutely dying to join! I'm desperate for fashion inspiration lately. bethmfb@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Can you please send me an invite - lyssashelt@yahoo.com
I've wanted to join for some time now but I don't know anyone on there if you could please send me an invite i'd be eternally greatful. :)

Mina<$. said...

Oh dear, I hope that it's not too late
to ask for an invite code .
I just stumbled across LB about a month ago & I've been hooked ever since.
May I please have an invite ?
It would seriously make my Christmas !

If not its okay, but HappyHolidays !

Anonymous said...

hahah so many comment
do you mind giving me an invite
i love the site

Alice said...

I'd love to join. Please e-mail me: thefashioncat@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Could send me invitation code? magdadziewit@gmail.com thanks!

Anonymous said...

btw added your blog to my google reader!

Anonymous said...

I'm from Istanbul and 20 year old fashion student.
can you please send me an invitation code? it means the world to me to be able to join lookbook.
thx a million!!~

Cargirl said...

I'd like an invite. Lookbook is awesome.


You rock.

Unknown said...


anxiously searching through google.com I came across your blog and was wondering if you would invite me to lookbook.nu

Thank you in advance.


Anonymous said...


it's a bit belated but, if it wouldn't trouble you greatly, can you please (x3) send me an invitation code! thanks!


Anonymous said...

oh wow...i check this site every time i get on my computer (way too many times a day), but i didn't want to 'apply' to become a member and sit around for ages waiting. so an invite code would be amazing..? heh.


Anonymous said...

hey ive been dying to get into lookbook.nu and was hoping if u could send me the code!

u can send it to:

nyla said...

would u be able to send me an invite code for lookbook pretty please?
thanks muchly!



Andy said...

Hi! Could you invite me please? I really want to join Lookbook!

:) thank you

my email is: i.am30@yahoo.es


Unknown said...

ive been wanting one for forever but no on knows about it where i live!
aghhhhh!!! please!?!?!?!?!??!

ill be a fan for lifeeee!

FV said...

ahh! my friend sent
me an invite,but till now i havent
recieved one.

wanna try sending me an invite please?

eMAIL: HOBO.tm@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

OMG - I would LOVE an invite code. My email is aleksandra.cwalina@cdprojekt.com. Happy Christmas.

Anonymous said...

i would like a invite too, please :)

merry christmas and your blog is rather wonderful.

emma_vl5@hotmail.com xx

shannon said...

I would love an invitation to lookbook. I just discovered it and would like to add my own photos.

if you could send them to


it would be much appreciated.

DJ DENIM said...

omg!! i would luv the opportunity to join!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i would love one ....


Anonymous said...

hey id love a code! can u send me one @ zoekerr@sbcglobal.net? thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love an invite code and I would be greatly thankful if you could send me one.


Thank you once again.

Anonymous said...

I know that a lot of people say to you they want an invit code, so like you don't know me you don't have a good reason to give me one ...But I really like fashion and it could be great if you can do that for someone who need it.
Thank you verry much.
My e-mail adress is :

WAMS said...

i'd love if you could send me a invite code! (here's my email, just in case, soboycottlove@aol.com) thanks a lot :*

Haley Butler said...

i would love an invite if they are still available.

yan min said...

could you please send me an invitation please? :)

Anonymous said...

it would be nice if you're going to invite me. :)
Thank you!

Sara said...

i'm obsessed with lookbook but i never did try to register until... today. I found out that an invitation was needed :s well. I hope you can give me one :)

lookbook's just... awesome!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I've been looking for an invite code for weeks! That website is awesome! I'd love for you to send me one :)


catherine said...

if you could send me an invite code i'd really appreciate it. i've been wanting to join the site for ages!

catherine said...

(by the way my email is catieviox@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love love love a code! My email is mike-brock@hotmail.com

I've applied but i honestly don't think they'll get back to me.

Sarah said...

I'd love an invite if you would :)


mariasarafina said...

wow :)
i've been trying to be a member of lookbook and it's friggin hard.
could you invite me please?


Minty said...

I'd like one too please.

Lookbook is really inspiring!

Tas! said...

I'd love an invite if it's not too late. One of the editors for my magazine showed me the site, and we're super excited about it!

Youngness said...

hey, can you please send me one. my email is carmellulu90@aol.com thank you so much and if you are tired of sending invits i totally understand too.

vchezzz said...

ohmygoodness, i've been in love with this site for agess and i've been looking for a code for a while.

i'll be forever indebted to you if you send me one!

Anonymous said...

hey there.

how are you?

wow i would love an invite please if its not too late :)


thank you, liz.

Anonymous said...

Please may i have the code.
thx alot ^_^

Morgan Taylor said...

Oh my goodness ok so I absolutely love lookbook and I was just searching google for invite codes I would LOVE IT if you sent me one pretty please!

Morgan Taylor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Morgan Taylor said...

That's a zero8@yahoo.com sorry

Anonymous said...

hi there ;) can you kindly send me an invite code to lookbook.nu as well? Please send to (karissa.yson@me.com). I really do appreciate it.

thank you <3

Anonymous said...

I'd love an invite code to lookbook!
I spend about 3 hours a day there and it should be very funny lo be able to upload my own outfits and so on ^_^
Please send it to [unikt@live.se], thank you in
Huggies! :*

♥ baby pouts said...

hello! you are so sweet to be doing this.

merci d'avance!

Anonymous said...

I am obsessed with lookbook.nu. May I please have an invite at artemesia20@yahoo.com? I would be incredibly grateful. I am so passionate about fashion. I spend so much free time perusing vintage stores. Green leather driving gloves, gladiator shoes, costume jewelry you name it, I will find it for less than the original price. An invite would mean so much! Thanks again! And good luck with your styling!

Anonymous said...

i would love to join lookbook! if someone could send an invite code ( eloeloyo@gmail.com ) it would be really great.

Anonymous said...

aww thats really awesome of you thanks for doing this...if its not too late to ask i would love an invite!


thank youu :)

Anna Lorraine said...

oooh i would love to join it! i would appreciate it if u send me an invite =) [annalorraine@live.com]


Chanekxo said...

i've been dying to get an invite code.. i would appreciate it & be forever grateful if you send it to me>> kate.Libonati@hotmail.com ... thanks =) !!

Anonymous said...

Haha. I'd love one! I have a blog, but they didn't accept it, I suppose... anywho, if you still have one, could you e - mail me at


Nafis Belmont Adhikari said...

hey! i'd love to join lookbook! would you please send me one?? it's fairytalesvillain@hotmail.com well thanks a lot! :D

Anonymous said...

hey! would love it if you could send me a code! it would make me v. v. happy ^^

its daniellechua91@gmail.com

Annie said...

I would love an invite.
it would totally make my day.

it's amachesk@uni.uiuc.edu


Anonymous said...

Do you wanna make someone happy? Invite me, then :)
torjue at gmail dot com
I really do appreciate it...

Anonymous said...

ou wow, you're going to invite so many people? amazing..it really makes a lot of work.
so here my e-mail adress for inviting: yuzuriha_nekoixd@hotmail.de


Anonymous said...

I really want to join lookbook, could you please please send me an invite code as well? Thank you! gugg0033@umn.edu

chr said...

Lookbook is such a great source of inspiration, and I have enough to share too...

I'd love to join... cfofiu@ gmail.com
Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

hey, can i have once as well?


Anonymous said...

hey could you send one?


Anonymous said...

i'd love a code if anyone has an extra!


Karen said...

There are currently 107 comments on this blog post, but uhm..... if you'd be willing to send me an invite I'd love that! I've been a fan of the site for around a year now but have never gotten an invite code, and the one time I sent in an application I never got an invite code... karenkaychen@gmail.com!

(visit my blog @ happyfacesrock.blogspot.com! I know my style isn't that great, but being on the site would be an inspiration for me to start getting better...)

Anonymous said...

heyy wow, you have a lot of invites to send but if you could squeeze me in i'd be super grateful. I love that site. my email is sunkissed_220@hotamil.com


Anonymous said...

I feel so ridiculous to be asking along with all these others but I'm almost desperate for an account, and that is so unlike me.. enough of my nonsense. mlouiseee@gmail.com. I wouldn't let you down!

This comment has been removed by the author.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i feel like an echo repeating all these other people, no doubt someone has said that exact phrase too, I got bored reading the endless comments.
I know its proper cheeky (not to mention cliche) but I've been searching for someone who could give me an invite code for ages!
Would be really appreciated if you could send me an invite code (ibanez_rach@hotmail.com)
if not no worries, thanks anyways

Unknown said...

aaah i really want to get the invitation. could you send the invitation code to iwantmyplayground@gmail.com? thanks thankss :D

Anonymous said...

hell o!!
Could you please send me an invite code? i'd really like to join lookbook. Thanks so much, my email is aulia.kausar@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

ah, not to sound like a broken record, but.. could you please send me an invite? i've been trying to get an account forever!


thanks so muchhh

Andrew said...


Anonymous said...

i also want to join lookbook!!!! :D i hope you can send me an invite please please please.... grazie_gurl@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

oooh me me! could i get an invite please? nerdperk@yahoo.com thank you!

Anonymous said...

hey there

i'd just love getting an invite to lookbook.

plz invite me to stefstefstef@sogetthis.com :)

cheers & thx


Anonymous said...

Hey, I found this site today and fell in love with it! I'd love to post my outfits, so if it's not a problem, please send me the invitation code? Thank you do much!

My email is oliverioperezg@yahoo.com
or you can reach me on my myspace, myspace.com/oliverio

Anonymous said...

If you're still giving invites, I'd greatly appreciate one: anjinsama@gmail.com

Thanks a deal.

Noodle said...

Ive been looking at this site for months now and would def love an invite code if you are sstill offering. My name is Noelle and my e-mail is noellepeck@gmail.com

Please and thank you soooo much!

Jump Before You Look said...

oh wow, an invitation would be lovely. Ive been looking for one for ages. It would mean a lot, thanks! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've been addicted to lookbook for ages now and would really appreciate it if you could send me an invite code! thank you so much! My email is float_on@hotmail.co.uk
Rebecca x

Amanda said...

ohh i would please love an invite !

Anonymous said...

omigosh i love that site.
i would like an invite please :)

Anonymous said...

I would be really happy if it still was possible to get the invitation from you!

Thanks, Sanna (from Sweden)

Anonymous said...

i would love an invite! :)


Anonymous said...

Sweet gentle jesus.

I bookmarked your blog, as it made me LOL and long for polaroid film that isn't expired.

And a lookbook invite would be grand... :)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to come to your page random like this... I´d really love and invitation to lookbook. Just found that site and Im keen to check and comment on others... But it´s jsut not possible without signing in.. My e.mail is kagero.sakura@gmail.com
Thanx sooooo much in advance!!

Anonymous said...

I would positively love an invite!
- loving The City recaps btw!

Anonymous said...

i would love an invite code to lookbook! i've been lurking for a while on peoples looks, but i don't know anyone who has one!


vint junky said...

i love lookbook lurking!
would really appreciate an invite


April said...

ooh ooh! please invite me!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'd like to get an invite code too! Can you send it themrak[at]hotmail.fr please?
Tank you so much!

Anonymous said...

please, i'd love a code!!
can you send it to me?? thanks!!


Anonymous said...

goshh i've been looking for a lookbook invite for forever! do you think you could send an invite my way?


Patti said...

You are phenomenal! I have been obsessed with Lookbook for a little while now and desperate for an invite. If you're still sending them out, could you send one to me?


Thank you so much!

Andrew said...


wyzack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

i'd love an invitation


please xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh, i'd like to join. Could you please send an invite?


Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

may i please have an invite codee ? :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey there!
I'd really like to join lookbook.nu.
my email is:


please & thank yous!

Please invite me! :DDDD

Anonymous said...

hi i've been desperately trying to find an invite code and even applied to get one. i haven't heard anything, and would be greatly thankful if you could send me an invite.



Unknown said...

Ah! I just checked out lookbook and loved it. If you could send me an invite i would love it :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you

Andrew said...


Anonymous said...

i'd lovee a code to join too. thank you :)


Elizabeth said...

oh i love lookbook and i have wanted o get an account

it would be nice of you to send me one my emil is



Ferosh said...

OMG! i wanna join! can you send me one too?!


tnx! :))

Anonymous said...

I'd love a code please!
Discovered the site a few days back
been absolutely intrigued by it since
only today thought to join, and hit that particular roadblock
so this is a help!


Anonymous said...

I have wanted to join lookbook for months now but haven't found anyone I know on the page to invite me! An invite would be incredible please.



Anonymous said...

oh please invite me to lookbook.nu!

my email is

been dying to join that for months!

thanks in advance!

johnee said...

hey there. i'd love an invite code, i wrote to the site, but I imagine that they take a while to get back to you.

here are some of my looks via my blog:


email: johnny.evanofski@gmail.com

thanks! :D

Andrew said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, I would love the join the Lookbook community and would be eternally grateful for the code. I hope to share many pictures! My email is blandflavor@gmail.com, thank you in advance!

esotericglamour. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i would love an invited my email is azn_2kool100@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...


I really really want a Lookbook.nu invite please. That thing is seriously lacking the london look! lol



beth babe said...
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Anonymous said...

i would love an invite code. it would mean the world to me.
thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

Heyy. I can't believe your actually giving invites.

I would really like to join Lookbook , could you please sned me an invite. My email is


Thankss :)

Anonymous said...

I'd really like to have an invite to this great platform and would be eternally grateful for that. my email is tonbastler@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I currently found this great website and I wasn't able to join. I'm so much into fashion & styling.
It would mean a world to me if you could send me an invitation, PLEASE!!


Unknown said...

Ahh I've just recently discovered lookbook.nu and I love it!!

Could you send me an invite code?? =D


Anonymous said...

could somebody send me invitation please?


Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a code to join

Kassandra lee said...

Hi, I have been really into Lookbook lately... it's quickly becoming an obsession. Anyways, I would love it if you would send me a code! My e-mail is Kassie13579@yahoo.com


Kassandra lee said...

Hi, I have been really into Lookbook lately... it's quickly becoming an obsession. Anyways, I would love it if you would send me a code! My e-mail is Kassie13579@yahoo.com


ARTy said...

hey!!! best friend

i wanna play loookbokk with u

plzzzzzzzzz adding me

and invite code for me



wanna join lookbook

and still u r my (first)friend


thxxxxxxxx pull teeth

ARTy said...


plzz add me...kiss

xoxo ARTyNakie

ARTy said...


plzz add me...kiss

xoxo ARTyNakie

Anonymous said...

Hi! It would be great if you could send me a code. weareontheradionow@hotmail.co.uk

Merle said...

Dont know if it's still possible.. does anyone have a code?

Merle said...

Dont know if it's still possible.. does anyone have a code?

Anonymous said...

Hey i would love to be on lookbook my email is exposed18@yahoo.com thanks soooo much

Anonymous said...

please invite me to nootebook.
I would like to post comments and hype pics.


best reagards,

asdfkj said...

hi! your blog came up while i was googling how to get into lookbook. i love fashion and photography and i am going to art school next fall but it would probably hard to be accepted into lookbook thru a regular old application. do you think you could invite me? thankyou so much!

asdfkj said...

p.s. my email is leahdenison@yahoo.com

Liane Vaz said...

ive been on lookbook for MONTHS and i was DYING looking at all the stuff and wanting to hype and comment BUT COULDNT :(
my email is this.is.insane@hotmail.com
you are one crafty person.

Anonymous said...

hey! i would love a lookbook! my e-mail is jordan@wagtc.com

Nel Sybico said...
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dreamingowl said...
