

The Perfect Combo

Pleather Bag - DIY / Sunglasses - Ebay / Faceless Watch - Thrifted / Shirt - H&M / Collar - c/o Eleven Objects
Song: Metronomy - The Bay

Sometimes the most unexpected pieces become staples in your wardrobe. An electric yellow leather detachable collar seems like something that wouldn't integrate into your closet, but it just works perfectly. Same goes for the faceless watch. I've blogged about it on here years ago and it always manages to make its way back onto my wrist. As for the bag? If you follow me on Twitter you may have heard me mentioning DIYing a bag which ended up stinking. Oooooooh, the troubles of secondhand fabric. Well, this is the infamous stinky bag. I DIYed a much larger version a few months ago but I figured it might be nice in a smaller size. Guess I'll have to Fabreze it to death and hope that helps.
The music is simple. A nice, feel-good song for the spring. It's been on my iPod for months but it finally seems appropriate to listen to. Makes me get excited for drinks on patios and poolside cocktails. Or just drinking in a back ally on a summer evening. Basically I'm just ready for warm weather & the inevitable drinking it will bring.

Happy Spring...ish!!


Jade said...

Fuck this, I've missed TWO of your posts? You've been posting more often, have you? Yesss. I love detachable collars. I'm still trying to figure out more ways to DIY 'em. How's the song called? I really like it, tho I don't really agree with you on how it is a summer song. It kind of reminds me of melancholic nights on the rooftop in Brooklyn in autumn. O wait, that's summer. Hm.

Anonymous said...

This is great! I love every piece....and those glasses are a great find from ebay!

The Velvet Scientist said...

definitely gonna need you to make me one of these bags thanks xx

Anonymous said...

Great sunnies!

Jayvee Doroteo said...

Really cool pieces you've got there! The sunnies are nice, the collar looks werq-able and the, and the watch is just so awesome. First time I've seen it.

Matthew Spade said...

pretay sweeeeeeeet, i can see the collar working for you chap. i remember the bag diy, it's proper good stuff. ah yeah metronomy doing the rounds, from my parts too

Iris and Daniel said...

Everything here is crazy amazing. Those glasses are perfect, love how they pick up the color of the collar.

Wanna Jean said...

Love this picture. Especially the green! Greetings from Toronto, Wanna Jean; http://www.prettyradicaldude.com

laura said...

okay no. way.
i had the same sunglasses (or at least similar?) vintage by linda farrow but they got stolen last summer. i had never seen them anywhere else before now. whoa.

Michele said...

That collar is cute. These are definitely great staples. And ugh, that bag, so nice. I can't sew fo shit, but sadly that doesn't stop me from trying and messing up expensive materials! Haha X

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