Rain Coat - Thrifted / Button up - Vintage Levis / Hat - Dollar store / Necklace - Thrifted
Normal Song - Perfume Genius
What was meant to be a productive day took a vicious turn for the worst when I opened my blind this morning. Nothing calls for a stay-in-bed-and-only-watch-episodes-of-Girls kind of day like a pure gray sky. Once I eventually peeled my lazy ass out of bed (4 hours after waking up, I should add) I decided it was the perfect opportunity to wear this rain coat I thifted a few months back. Part raver, part garbage bag, part, dare I say it, practical. Worn with what I think is my new favorite button up and this incredible triple ring necklace. The necklace is truly one of those thrift finds you really wonder "Who owned this before and why the hell did they get rid of it?!"
For now I think I'll retire back into my bed. On your way out, you should prrrrobably head over to Refinery 29 and check out their post titled "6 Canadian Style Bloggers You Need To Know Now." I'll give you a hint why.. there may be a certain male style blogger you recognize. ;)
get out of bed dude, there's plenty of things to be done! "part raver, part garbage bag", there's a good quote
Andrew Chipman, you are an OUTFIT REPEATER!!
Fashion Practial? :O Love the necklace btw :) I know why would people throw something as cool as that!
Congrats on the feature on R29! This jacket is amazing!!
Ah shit, I really want to go thrift a rain coat now. I really really large, obnoxious, *PRACTICAL* rain coat, probably in white too. That necklace looks too good to be true.. That sounds like me every weekend. Too lazy to be productive for the first half of the day.
Practical?? *reaches for "unfollow"*
really feeling that coat, would definitely need one in england ! tell me about it the vida loca girls' style is just the illlllest.
Can't believe you thrifted that coat! So awesome!
xx Nia
I love it!!! You blog always has the best fucking vibes, And you just know your way with mixing materials. That rain jacket combo is just love. You are the king of Canadian dressing!!
I love it!!! You blog always has the best fucking vibes, And you just know your way with mixing materials. That rain jacket combo is just love. You are the king of Canadian dressing!!
it appears you spenda lot of time thrifting
wow that person spammed you good. have you finished the season!? argh i miss girls already. i love that raincoat on you, i was strangely drawn this pvc vest i saw thrifting in melbourne, wish i gotten it. yay
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