As an avid DIYer it pains me to know I skipped out of a project I am very capable of completing on my own but I had to make an exception recently. Normally I don't mind horribly tedious and repetitive activities so a shredded t-shirt was up on my to do list but I didn't get to it in time. I came across a seller on
Etsy with
very reasonable prices so I went against my better judgment and just ordered one. Turns out DIYing is a lot easier when all you do is send money through your paypal from the comfort of your computer chair, wait 2 weeks, and get a package in the mail. Maybe I'll start doing this more often!!
Worn here backwards and forwards, the shredding is intended for the back.
Check out the sellers store Goodbye Horses
I need to shave my *back
I like it in the back because I can see your cans when it's in the front
You need some black nail polish with this outfit... it's just begging for some. I like it both ways, and I like that these photos are unedited idk why
Goodbye Horses? Isn't that the name of the song playing during the creepy-as-fuck Buffalo Bill scene in Silence of the Lambs?
It looks very good on you. You wear it well.
your hair is looking fab.
Haha. Way to do it yourself. But this shredding is really nice, and worth the money.
lovely blog:)
I feel like I'd just mess it up if I tried to DIY that.
I've been meaning to try and shred some t-shirts but I can never be bothered to buy some cotton t-shirts that shred really well. That looks great though!
"Special order for pullteeth the most patient lady ever!" - Goodbye Horses (caption under the photo of your purchase in the SOLD section
Nice! I shredded a shirt over the summer and it only took about 5 hours hahaha. The shredding isn't as extensive as these though. I also like how it can work both in the front and the back.
i did this to one of my boyfriends tshirts and he was really pleased with the nipple visibility ..
glad to see you've found the wonders of etsy. check out our vintage store.. a lot of our stuff can be worn as unisex.
i've done this to a couple shirts, though it's taken tedious, but so cool when finished.
i actually would pay for one like this though...i can't sit around shreddin' shirts all day!
How exactly do you do this?? it looks amazing and I have a lot of spare time on my hands.
you are so hot. bahahahaha *blush*
That is a cool tee! :)
Definitely a complicated DIY but totally worth it. I've thought about just doing it on the shoulders of a t-shirt going down onto the sleeve. I think it'd be killer.
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