Shirt - The Gap / Sunglasses - Vintage / Riding pants - Joe Fresh / Socks - H&M
With spring on it's way, I'm trying to make a conscious effort to not wear black on black on black on black every day. It's proven to be quite challenging considering 80% of what I own is black, but it's actually pretty fun. This is what I wore tonight to Easter dinner (granted, I did take the sunglasses off)
And while I've got your attention.. check this out!!

MTV Fora is a new fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blog. I was honored to see that I was one of their first Featured Bloggers! They've got some great reads and features with great commontary. Make sure to check out the site and follow them on twitter!
Congrats! :) I love how you colour blocked. I hate green but you are rocking it!
like it! i have do the same thing this spring i always put on something black
Vi from Cali
Colour! Very rare appearance Mandrew
Refreshing change! Can't wait to see you in even more colors.
banana phone?
who are you? the diet-centric male version of juno?
how clever of you.
p.s. that is quite the fetching pose you've got going on there
I have the same thing going on with my clothes, they're mostly black and I don't really mind dressing in black in summer, it's just so hot!
So, I'm going to make an effort to wear more color. I just really hate the whole color blocking thing that's going on, seems so random. You look good though haha!
Oh my god, you look so cute in not black! Of course I love the goth jams too, but I'm sure the famjam loved this look.
Great blog and great style (:
take a look of my blog and start to
follow me, I'll follow you back!
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with love, cris
you are my hero!
Yeah, whats with the pose? Anyway, you look great once again and congrats on your feature. xx
MTV_FORA chooses a Winnipeg Blogga again!! Sweet, you are my new favourite!!! I always knew Winnipeg locals have style I am definitely a fan love..
I super adore all of those glasses ♥
I love ALL of this
o0o0o0o congrats on getting featured lovely!
AHHH those sunglasses
mega shirt, i've been looking for one that colour actually
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