The Uniter is a student run newspaper from the University of Winnipeg. It's a free newspaper with student written articles, but I usually pick it up for the Street Fashion section. They've featured a ton of good looking Winnipegers and great friends so it's always worth picking up, if only for the fashion. I was waiting patently for my turn, and guess what... I got it! Shot by local photographer Brittany Hildebrandt. Some of you loyal blog readers might remember her from forever ago when she did my grad photos or our field photoshoot. Great girl, great photographer! Check me out in ~print~! What a dream!

Excuse the crooked scanning, whoops! Not ashamed of my quote, though. I can't help it I'm a bietard.

In the newest issue they're featuring a dear friend Lana Belton on the cover. She's a Winnipeg blogger who has been studying overseas for what feels like forever. She's finally coming home next week and I think a cover of a local paper is quite the welcome home gift! Check out her blog Tjejsajten if you like pictures of pretty blond girls partying.
And for some menswear eye candy to leave with, I give you the latest from Acne. I mean, the overalls? The shoes? The pants? Unreal. Now I'll just wait for them to go on sale on the Acne webstore. Oy

(the fashionisto)
OMG. I love the floppy hat and shiiiny Acne boots.
Congrats on being printed. You should stick it on your fridge.
sexxaay sexxay sexaaay :)
Woohoooo, I like these posts. Just of random things, and more casual writing style. But it's not up to me what you post...
I see you shoveled out a space in your room to take that photo. Congrats.
hillary smith is so hot
I'd do terrible things to get my hands on a pair of those boots. Golly.
Hi, only just come across your blog but i found myself reading further and further back. Liked it so much I dedided to add it to my blogroll - hope you don't mind! :) Paddy
Great blog. It is really well-presented and I love the variety in subject matter that you cover.
love blue shoes by Acne and the shirts look so comfy! ps) I'm the fashion writer for The Uniter and was happy to see you as the Fashion Streeter, love your blog!
thank you thank you, mr. chip!
i'd love to shoot you again soon...
xo, b.
WHOOP WHOOP you're in print! congrats on the feature, you are STARRRR! And like Cara said, you better stick that on yo fridge.
I wish I were a man so I could wear that Acne stuff. It's exactly how I would dress is I were...
The cover is so great, by the way. Perfect. The quote and the outfit together = priceless.
loving the blue boots !
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