

Why am I in a tree?

Thus beings probably my most random post ever. But before I start i would like to send a big thanks and huge love to Discotheque Confusion who did a very flattering shout out to me (it includes a collage, lets just say that). Check out her blog. A cool UK girl with cool blog, very fitting. I don't visit her enough, this girl is sweet.

Anywho, here is me climbing/sitting in/holding parts of a tree...

My photographers and photo assistants for the day, Jen & Riel

Wearing: Thrifted plaid shirt & boots, Gap jacket, Polo sweater, Cheap Monday jeans

And to make this post much more random, here are the many hair styles of yours truly. I'm trying to grow it out to put it in a bun (no one supports me, can I get a little backing here) and we straightened my hair so I would look like a Scene King.. I think it worked.

And here's (sort of) regular old me. Huge terrible zit and all.



Anonymous said...

I want to fuck those girls and you too...

lydia said...

your outfit is impeccable. so is your hair! don't change it, as cool as it would look if it were long.

Nia said...

lovelovelove the outfit - the shoes are amazinggg

Meghan and Lana said...

Hahahahaha "The Many Hairstyles of Andrew Chipman" I like that.

Anyway, I commented does that mean I'm not a shithead anymore?

Meghan and Lana said...

what she said

Kylie said...

Ummm that first commentor isn't creepy at all...

But yeah, hotness in the outfit department. I never thought I'd see a preppy Andrew. Don't get me wrong, I'm digging it! Not to mention how ace your legs look is those jeans... SO THIN! I'm jelous...

ps- Your hair looks sexy pushed back. Cady, tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back ;)


Russless said...

team bun.

Crystal said...

I think the bun would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

This pocket of air, in my opinion, is what makes the cheap MBT shoes lighter on your joints. It creates a cushion when you are standing or walking. As for weight loss, I would give the cheap MBT shoe about a 5 out 5. I live where there are a lot of hills and decided I would test them in the natural instead of a treadmill.