I decided I'm going to do weekly recaps of The City. I mean, it's a new show and there is more than enough to talk about. I missed the first two episodes but whatever. Hopefully these will go half as good as White Lightning's Gossip Girl blog entires because girl does it well. Alright, here goes nothing.

Erin's long distance boyfriend is in town from Toronto (!!!!!) and didn't want to watch Titanic because he didn't feel like crying...

Whitney's face (or MTV's editing) displays perfectly how awkward lovey-dovey couples make the third wheels feel. I FEEL YOU WHIT WHIT, I FEEL YOU!!!!

Alright. I hate to believe that these girls don't actually do the jobs we're lead to believe they do on this show. I have defended them to the death but I mean, really. People get in trouble for answering cell phones at McDonalds. I'm almost certain a major fashion house would frown upon personal phone calls during work. Oy.

This girl working at DVF looked an awful lot like Heidi's work "friend" from season 2/3... mousy sort of girl. Anyone?

I'm sure it does...


What does that even mean?

What the hell does one do with a surfboard in New York City? Just wondering...

Ugly couch.

Ugly character.

I didn't realize Olivia was 7 years old. She complains about Whitney making a decision on her own without a ~seasoned New Yorker~ like herself to help her out.

Jay explains he doesn't want to call Whitney a girlfriend but doesn't want to date other people. You're not getting married, say it. Gi*****end
See ya'll next week! xo xo City Girl
im having second thoughts about Jay, i kind of think hes going to turn out to be shady... and how does whitney know erin?
this is a sweet recappppppp
why is olivia such a no-expression bitch
she lives like across the street from me. i went into the chinese restaurant downstairs in my building at like 10 one night and she was there with her boyfran.
the city is my absolute guilty pleasure. i am so glad mtv replaced the hills so swiftly. i was slowly getting tired of those faces.
and you can actually re-wacth the episodes on the MTV website. i could never wait till they're aired in germany, i am just too impatient
Bromance is where's its @. Fucking Spencer
I have yet to watch this show. I told myself I wouldn't, but who am I kidding.
This episode was soooo entertaining. Just a week till the next. I loved your recap too!
I'm starting to dislike Jay, though his style is perfection-- well when he dresses up.
forever & always . cory
i think jay is shady and a little self centered. I pretty much want to be Erin though!: numero uno-her style is indie-fabulousness, numero two-her boyfriend is a dream. Thanks for sharing! Much Love! PS, check out my blog sometime, im adding u to my list.
bromance is much better than the city. i said it. i'll said it again here: bromance is much better than the city.
i dont even need to watch the show thanks andrew! this is real handeh REAL handeh.
oliva is a no-expression bitch. but the show would sort of suck without her i think. . .
i love the ugly couch!!!
great recap, keep these coming!
xo L
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