I've been working on this DIY project for literally months. You'll notice I'm not including step by step instructions for this project. There's one huge reason why; I had no damn idea what I was doing. Not a clue. I've loved the idea of a suit jumpsuit for a while and I figured I'd just have to make my own. I picked this suit up at Goodwill for $8 and went to town. I honestly wouldn't even know how to explain how I did this, so I won't even try.

(Sorry, excuse the un-pressed hem on the shorts)

As I was making this, I always wondered when and where I could actually wear this. As the MMVAs approached I realize this would be the perfect outfit, so I frantically worked to get this together. With a little help from Kylie (of Nice and Shiny) after my sewing machine broke, I was able to do it!
I'll likely go into more details on my Toronto trip later. I had some great eats, good shopping, and met some really incredible people. I miss you guys already, if any of you are reading this!! I'll definately share some of my purchases and other fun stuff frop my trip in the coming weeks.
Your jumper looks amazing!!!
wow mate you did an amazing job! how ever you ended up at the result.
shame you didn't win but well done anyway
so good!!
dude this is awesome I have to try this somehow!
ahh i love the idea of a suit jumper! This is great. are you still in toronto? come say hi!
this outfit is ok
Holy shit this is AMAZING. Men in jumpsuits = <3!
You are the master of DIY.
I love ittttt!
i take back what i said 4 months ago.
im sorry for doubting you and your master diy abilities
Oh wow, you have amazing DIY skills. That looks awesome!
uh WOW. that looks AMAZING.
fit is so well, elegant and looks fantastic. great workmanship, and $8 for the material. ugh
Hey boi. Lookin' slick.
wow, boy... this is amazing!! :) you did such a great job x
I want to see how it came along irl because judging from its earlier state I have no idea how you got in/out of it
That is the coolest thing eeever!!! That is soo creative and looks amazing despite the fact you didn't know what you were doing!
Hi Andrew!
That suit-jumpsuit is so freakin' amazing I'm lost with words! I think I'll have to steal that idea from you and make my own version of that, that is just so fabulous!
I've been reading your blog for a while now and I really enjoy it every time out post a new blog entry. Thankyou for writing so awesome blog and for being such a great male fashion blogger - an inspiring and stylish, as you are!!
Take care! Much love from Finland,
genius genius genius
meh. nothing new.
stfu anon commenter.
this shit goes HARD (hahahaha)
no seriously, great job job dude!
like one of your own labels, fuck yeah!
This seriously might be the most amazing DIY end product I have seen, possibly ever.
I would like to have this please. Thank you very big time.
LOVE.THIS. I'm trying to figure out how you made this, I think I've got a pretty good guess. Awesome.
ummm...this is so RAF it's out of control. SO GOOD!!
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