


As some of you may know, I've got quite the hair time line laid out for myself. Included in said time line is bleaching my hair for the second time. I experimented with this last summer with box die and my hair turned out piss yellow. It wasn't so bad but it didn't quite itch my scratch. Next time I do it I'm getting it professionally done and killing my hair until it's white. And I figured this time around if I'm going to kill my hair, I'm going to kill it right! What would that entail? Dying it a ton of different colors to suit my mood, obviously! What the hell, right? I put together this collage/inspiration board of colored hair looks I loved. Kind of funny how many times Cole Mohr has sported the rainbow hair. And no collage on my blog is complete without Gagaz.

Any of you guys experimented with dying your hair with Kool Aid? It seems like that would be the most reasonable/cost efficient method for what I want. Especially considering the fact that I'll want most colors to be as temporary as possible.

I also figured this could a sort of on-going feature on my blog. I have a few other hair looks I'm dying to try out so I think I'll share them with ya'll along the way.


Shala said...

awesome collage.
lady gaga looked amazing at the grammys

meg said...

i want banana hair like gaga.
do they have koolaid that colour?

Katina said...

After seeing the collage I support this more
I kinda want to put in a bit of a fun colour but I feel like the look is so like...late 90s punk...

Izzy said...

Manic Panic does some really vivid semi-permanent haircolors. http://www.manicpanic.com/dyepage1.html
I remember Jane Aldridge of Sea of Shoes dyed her hair with this once.
I'd love to see you wear a crazy color on your hair!

Anonymous said...

Cole Mohr is perfect yesss.

And I've been debating with myself for months to go lighter and eventually blond for a while. But then I like my hair color. Ugh confusion.

Kylie said...

The video made me lol, so many spelling errors. Umm yeah, so nice collage! Where'd you find that AWESOME 2nd picture?? So good.

ps- Mmmmm Cole Mohr

pps- I heard colouring your hair with kool-aid gets it all sticky... idk. I wouldn't want to lay in bed all night with crap in my hair. And using toothpaste to get it out? Eww...

Unknown said...

my blonde rat tail was meant to be dyed a multitude of colours, but that never happened.

good luck.

guildedsecret. said...

love the fact that you'll be experimenting further with your hair... i'm partial to blue/indigo - it always looks chic.


Adele said...

i think you'd pull it off! i've been through the whole shebang many times... my hair has been various kinds of bright white, black, fire engine red, blue, brown, the list goes on but you get the idea. be prepared to pay a LOT of money at the hairdresser's for upkeep. be prepared to spend TONS on treatments, and a lot of your clothes won't go with it; but you'll turn heads, have fun color-matching/clashing your clothes and figuring out what to do next.
ps: gimme gimme mohr. purple mohawk = aghhh so good.
but yeah, unless your hair is already bleached and you're doing a block colour, GO TO THE HAIRDRESSER'S. trust me ;)

Lisa Marie said...

this is funny, cuz I was JUST gonna make a post about colorful hair! I really want some light pink tips! Or something?? Maybe bleach blonde actually. I love it!

we could grow up 2gether said...

awesome collage!

DiamondsforHer.com said...

I miss Kool Aid! Oh those lovely summer memories.

I do suggest going to the hairdresser, though.

Emma said...


like this collage/idea but you know that already.

Anonymous said...

i'm a hair stylist so any questions feel free to ask. also concerning a jacket you purchased a bit ago. how does the draped rebecca jacket fit? i am a male and 5'9" and pretty thin. what size did you end up getting?i very much like it but it doesnt have the models measurements and the approx length when it's so draped doesnt really help me out. any questions about your hair? the main thing about colouring your hair wild colours is upkeep and colour safe shampoo. go with alterna hair caviar. it rules. shoot away.

Andrew said...

I bought the jacket in a medium and I'm 6'0... it fits a bit tight under the arms, so if I were to order again I would get a large. Now, for 5'9 medium might be okay but I can't imagine the arms being TOO big on a large, if that makes sense.

And I don't think I have any questions right now... thanks though!!

Steven R said...

kool aid works well but be careful in the summer or getting it wet because it runs pretty easily...its more of a really temporary day-to-day fix.

Anonymous said...

i'm lj friends w. you but i don't have a blog sooo this is anonymous haha but i've had bleach blonde hair for a year or two. i do it myself with the garnier fructis boxed bleach. it has a guy on the cover, if you decide to use it. when i first went blonde i had to dye it with a color remover first (those should be right next to the hair dye at CVS or any store like that) and then i bleached it to get rid of the yellow-ish color. now my hair's practically white and i only have to use the bleach now to fix my roots, not the color remover. i don't know if that was helpful at all, but i think getting it done professionally is just spending a lot of money that you don't need to. i got temporary dye at hot topic in crazy colors too. i think it was like $6 but i used it a few times and i still have a full bottle left almost.

Anonymous said...

hi, i really like your blog (:

anyways, i'm pretty experienced with dyeing my hair in bright shades (i've had every color except lime green) and wanted to share my two cents:

dyeing it with cool aid is probably not the way to go. you say you want the colour to be temporary as possible, well, you can dye over the colors, i went from blue-purple-pink-red-green-blue-white without bleaching inbetween and all the colors came out vibrant (: just a tip.

the best dye brand is without a question special effects. their colors are ridiculously bright. but it's pretty permanent so you might want to use something else, i use stargazer, only because it's all i can buy here. i've heard different reviews about manic panic, some love it, some hate it. i haven't heard many good reviews about the hot topic stuff though.

good luck dyeing your hair!

John Bernal said...

I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to color my hair but this is for sure inspiring me. Thanks for the post haha.

marz_barzxo said...

nice collage! I've always been curious about dyeing my hair some dark purple colour with Kool-Aid. O Yeah.


Anonymous said...

time for a tumblr chippo

Jordan said...

I'm gettin' Rihanna/Kelis blonde this summer. Can't wait to be "that biracial guy with blonde hair". Aww yeah!

Adrienne said...

I love this collage! Especially the tweedledum-Tweedledee hats going on at the bottom.

I've never dyed my hair with kool-aid because it's black and therefore would not make any difference, but have you considered L'oreal's Color Pulse?


I've heard it really works and I remember seeing it in ads about five years ago when I was an avid CosmoGIRL! reader.

By the way, I've nominated you for the Best Blog Award which you can check out on my blog. Just to let you know :)

Andrea said...

thank you for this post. i've been debating about dying my hair gray... still debating :/

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