Okay so this is about three finger rings. A very cool guy introduced them to me in a very... venerable state. (see blog entry about drinking vodka on a public bus) Anyways, since that night I've been wanting one. I googled "three finger rings" and this was the 3rd pictures. I can dig it.

But what I really want is more along the lines of this Surface to Air ring which I would love to own but am probably too cheap to.

Embarrassingly enough I found one that wasn't bad at St. Vital mall at that kiosk that sells body jewelry... I regret not trying it on/getting it.
Anyways. To the dedication. Go Read Zach's blog, Hyper Prosperous. It's cool and he's cool. I hope you don't mind that I'm completely stealing your thunder Zach, but your ring was too amazing to be ignored.
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